Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Stage IV Needs More

Not to take away from the immense stress cancer patients go through, because I couldn't even fathom the craziness my brain would be if I were in that situation, but "Scanxiety" time doesn't just effect those who have cancer. It effects their families and caregivers too. Every time I see my mom's name pop up on my caller ID, or see that I get a text from her, or see a new blog post of hers I can't help but worry about what our conversation will be. Did the results come back already? Is the cancer back? Does my mom have to go through chemo AGAIN while I'm not even within driving distance to be there for her? The combined stress of knowing she's stressed out and my own worrying about my mom is sometimes overwhelming. But that's why this month is so important.
We do not need to only raise awareness about breast cancer anymore. Everyone and their mother knows about breast cancer today. Right now, what we NEED is more FUNDING for breast cancer RESEARCH. We NEED to stop thinking we've done our share by wearing pink, not wearing bras, and saying that we "love the ta-tas". ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. So rather than saying you love boobies and talking about the symptoms and preventative measures in regard to breast cancer (which, don't get me wrong do still need to be talked about), DONATE to a WORTHY cancer research foundation! More importantly, donate to a cause that supports Metastatic Breast Cancer Research. People don't die from breast cancer found (and removed) from the breast. They die from breast cancer that spreads (metastasizes) to other organs in the body. So please, in honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month don't wear pink. Rather, make a donation and help support the research that can give my sisters and dad and me more days with my mom.
Some excellent metastatic breast cancer research charities include:
METAvivor Research and Support Inc.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Network

Monday, September 14, 2015

NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program Job Announcements 14 Sept to 18 Sept

NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) will be opening several job announcements for our Pathways Intern Employment Program (a Cooperative Education Program). The JSC Pathways Intern Employment Program allows engineering and business students to gain valuable work experience on an alternating school/work basis, and serves as the pipeline for our future full-time employees.

The job announcements will be open September 14-18, 2015 seeking the following majors:

To apply please visit Attached is a reference guide to help you through the application process.

For more information including program requirements, visit our website at:

Per Ardua, Ad Astra